Author, Speaker, Film Producer &
Founder of Gospel Patrons
Hi, I’m John Rinehart
Hi, I’m John Rinehart
Author, Speaker, Film Producer & Founder of Gospel Patrons
“Generosity is the quickest path to joy I know. Our enemy wants to slow you down. I want to help you floor it.”
Books I’ve Written
This new book is full of exclusive interviews with people who have succeeded in business and their professional fields, but have a refreshing perspective on their bigger purpose.
Behind every great movement of God stands a few generous men and women called Gospel Patrons. This book tells three of their stories from history and invites us to believe God, step out, and serve the purposes of God in our generation too.
Gospel Patrons is a book of vision. Giving Together is a book of action. This book is about taking your next steps to grow in generosity that changes you and changes the world.
My Story
My Story
I met Jesus when I was 7 years old, met my wife at 16, and started working in business at 23.
Early on I was succeeding in business, but deep down I wanted more. I knew life was about more than making money. More than climbing the ladder. More than the American Dream.
I believed God put me on planet earth for a reason, but I didn’t have vision.
Businesspeople seemed like second-class Christians, so I resigned and went looking for purpose. I spent four years in seminary earning a Masters of Divinity degree. Afterward, we chased my wife's dream to become a global Christian and learn to walk by faith.
We left everything and traveled the world… 5 continents, 22 countries, and 132 days around the world.
It was on this adventure that I first heard about Gospel Patrons from a friend of a friend. Little did I know that it would become a book I would write and a movement God would birth.
Since then I’ve been invited to speak to thousands of people around the world. It’s been a great privilege to help business leaders and many professional people find their unique calling within God’s kingdom.
I love what I get to do and believe the best is yet to come.
I lead a ministry called Gospel Patrons
gos • pel pa • tron, noun.
1 a person God raises up to partner with ministry leaders
2 someone who supports those on the front lines of gospel ministry
3 the supply line for the spread of the gospel
Films I've Produced